What is Sales Force Automation in CRM?

CRM is a broad domain. It touches every industry and there’s not such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. Sure, you can get a CRM for free. But the big question is whether you can get it to do what you want.

Sales Force Automation specifically addresses the parts of the sales process your team needs to digitize in order to make the act of selling more efficient and more effective. Read more

Why Automate Your Business?

Automation promises great things, but knowing why you want to automate and not simply following the crowd is important.

 Corteza Corredor Automation Engine Benefits

The Corredor Automation Engine in Corteza open-source low-code platform increases productivity while driving down costs.

It helps to think of automation in the context of an entire digital transformation strategy. However, you may also have more specific requirements. For example, your use case might be limited to:

  • IoT apps
  • Sales in CRM or other customer management system apps
  • Smart Schooling and ERP in Education
  • Open-Source Chat
  • Loan Management Software
  • Free Knowledge Base Software
  • Business Integration
  • Open-Source Case Management or Cloud Case Management
  • Fulfillment Management
  • Smart Cities or Citizen Development
  • Record Management Software

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Why do Developers Love Low-Code?

You can find articles online why developers hate low-code, but they don’t take in account that there are also low-code platforms developers actually love. One such low-code platform is Corteza Low-Code.

Corteza Low-Code is excellent for a whole range of things, from citizen-development to smart apps. However developers also love it for the following 9 reasons: Read more

The Ultimate Salesforce Alternative

How Many CRM Companies Are There?

A lot! Once you start looking for the best solution for your business, you will find on the market many CRM solutions and their alternatives. Picking the best can be tough. And It’s usually not just about market share, getting CRM for free or even open-source CRMs. Even if these are criteria to be considered for your company CRM, there are many other factors too. For example, are you looking for:

  • A means to deploy your Digital Transformation Strategy
  • CRM for Marketing and Customer Tracking Software
  • Free CRM for Non-Profits
  • CRM for Insurance Agents
  • Salesman Tracking Software
  • CRM for Email
  • Call Center CRM
  • CRM for Education and Smart Schooling Solutions
  • Wholesale CRM
  • CRM in Manufacturing Contexts
  • Loan Management Software
  • Citizen Development Software
  • Free Case Management Software

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What is a Case Management Workflow?

A Case Management Workflow is the logic, process or method your business uses for resolving issues. Issues can have many sources. For instance, they can be raised by customers, partners or internal staff.

Getting business logic right is difficult. So, with Planet Crust’s Case Management, we go out of our way to make it easier for you to to align your business logic across your organisation. This could be for improving your existing processes or for a complete digital transformation strategy. Read more

Why is Customer Relationship Management important?

The 3 main reasons why Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is important are:

  1. Up to date information
    Customer information is always up to date, and easily accessible to all authorised staff.
  2. Automation
    Automation enables the streamlining of complex customer interaction processes, which saves time and reduces errors.
  3. Insights
    Finally, it provides businesses with reporting tools. Understand your customers better and detect where you can improve the sales team.

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What is BPMS?

According to Wikipedia, “Business Process Management is a discipline in operations management in which people use various methods to discover, model, analyze, measure, improve, optimize and automate business processes.”

BPMS (Business Process Management Software or System) is a software platform for enabling BPM activities. Managing business processes is at the heart of your work, building a:

  • CRM Suite
  • applicative software
  • applications of IoT
  • tools for a digital transformation strategy

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How to set up an automated business

As the economic squeeze continues, many businesses will be asking how automation can help them and their staff become more productive, focus their efforts on relationship building and service existing customers more effectively. Read more

Cross-Application and Federated Automation with Corteza Corredor

5 August 2019
Cork, Ireland

Planet Crust has announced the impending release of Corteza Corredor, its new backend technology for cross-application and federated workflow automation.

The original philosophical intent behind Planet Crust was for the platform to be a seamless three way marriage between identity, communication and business logicsays Niall McCarthy, CEO of Planet Crust.While Corteza’s flexible and scalable micro-service architecture helps make it the ideal private cloud technological alternative to Salesforce’s centralised public cloud, Corredor delivers on our philosophical intent”.

What is Corteza Corredor?

Corteza Corredor is a trigger-based automation plugin designed specifically for the Corteza open-source low-code platform. Corredor adds more safety, resilience, consistency and flexibility to the existing front-end javascript automation engine that ships with Planet Crust’s CRM Suite and Corteza Low-Code platform by default. Extending your key CRM and Case Management solution workflows across your entire Corteza deployment and beyond is about to become a reality.

Automations Across Planet Crust’s CRM Suite and Corteza Low-Code Applications

Corteza Corredor will enable customers to build automations and CRM workflows across any Corteza low code-based component or namespace, reducing duplication of effort and maximising synergies between your Corteza’s applications.

Federated Automation Across Instances of the Corteza Platform

Via Corteza API’s it will be possible to generate automation actions across different instances of the Corteza low-code platform, opening up a world of opportunity for efficient third party collaboration. With Corteza Corredor, your organisation can share native Corteza data anonymously and securely, decouple critical records-based systems gradually and smoothly, or simply deploy multiple free-standing systems with tight data inter-relationships.

Version Control with Git Integration (Coming Soon!)

To help protect your organisation and deliver clear version control over your automations, HTTP support for Git-based repositories will be included with Corredor. The truly flexible enterprise needs to be able to examine, re-use, evolve and even roll back its business logic easily and safely. Combined with Corteza Low Code’s unlimited namespace feature, Corredor delivers the complete business logic automation solution.

In line with Planet Crust’s open source policy, all software code for Corteza Corredor will be contributed to the Corteza project at https://www.cortezaproject.org where it will be freely available to users on a permanent basis.

Corteza Corredor will be released in early September 2019.