Why Automate Your Business?

Automation promises great things, but knowing why you want to automate and not simply following the crowd is important.

 Corteza Corredor Automation Engine Benefits

The Corredor Automation Engine in Corteza open-source low-code platform increases productivity while driving down costs.

It helps to think of automation in the context of an entire digital transformation strategy. However, you may also have more specific requirements. For example, your use case might be limited to:

  • IoT apps
  • Sales in CRM or other customer management system apps
  • Smart Schooling and ERP in Education
  • Open-Source Chat
  • Loan Management Software
  • Free Knowledge Base Software
  • Business Integration
  • Open-Source Case Management or Cloud Case Management
  • Fulfillment Management
  • Smart Cities or Citizen Development
  • Record Management Software

Or indeed, it could apply to any number of other custom business apps which your organisation requires to operate. Planet Crust is the driving force behind the Open-Source Low-Code Development platform,

Corteza enables business automation with great flexibility. Firstly, it simplifies the build process for complex apps. And secondly, it allows you to host an unlimited number of apps on the one platform. it’s still key to define exactly what benefit you’re seeking. Most of the time this comes down to producing more for less cost or improving quality more efficiently. Corredor automations can be created within a Corteza Open-Source Low-Code app or between apps.


Interact with third party applications

Corredor automations work seamlessly with the Corteza RestAPI. This allows your organisation to interact with third party applications without heavy additional coding. Talk to Salesforce? Why not? Manage projects with Jira from Atlassian? Sure, no problems. What is a BPMS with great automation? Just try building one on the Corteza open-source low-code development platform to find out!

Getting a CRM for free to help automate your sales processes is one thing. Getting the best open-source CRM on the market is, of course, another. Building knowledge base software free-of-charge is, yet again, a useful tool to have. But automating the relationship between that knowledge base app and CRM app together might be an even bigger total win. Additionally, what is case management in a similar scenario? For example, we automate customer accounts and contacts to interact with your service tool for case management, while drawing on your knowledge base to enhance the customer service your business can offer.

There’s no need to always re-invent the wheel. With Corteza, you can automate your business components in the short-term. So, you can build new components in the medium term and evolve your most pressing priorities any time you wish. Try Corteza for free today!

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