How To Use Low-Code To Automate Your Business Processes

A business process is defined as a set of activities and procedures undertaken by an organization to achieve short-term and long-term goals and objectives. The structure and efficiency of your organization’s business process can significantly impact the productivity and profitability in the long run.

Well-managed business processes can help your business establish a benchmark for quality standards, reduce potential risk, avoid damaging human error, improve opportunities for cross-departmental collaboration and implement effective communication. Research has shown that effective business process management can improve customer satisfaction levels by up to 30%.

However, many business processes can be time-consuming, repetitive and tedious which can lead to employee dissatisfaction and disengagement. It may be difficult to effectively and accurately monitor and keep track of manual business processes. Therefore, many businesses are beginning to leverage the power of low-code solutions to automate various manual business processes.

Low-code automation is a visual approach to automating business processes that requires little to no coding and instead focuses on graphic on-screen guidance and drag-and-drop tools. Studies have shown that 49% of organizations that use low-code solutions have stated that they have the greatest ability to automate business processes.

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How To Use Low-Code To Eliminate Manual Processes In The Banking Sector

With evolution in digital technology and mobile solutions, it is crucial to modernize various processes in the banking sector. Although many processes may require human interference and supervision, many manual processes in the banking sector may be repetitive,  time-consuming and can hence be automated. Automation can help streamline various tedious processes that would have otherwise had to have been performed manually by an organizational employee.

Performing certain tasks manually may increase the risk of human error. Although human error is almost unavoidable in certain situations, the potential risk associated with handling large sums of money, maintaining customer databases and monitoring client relationships should be avoided at all costs.

Therefore, it is greatly beneficial for banking institutions to eliminate certain manual processes that may result in these errors. Recent studies have shown that 66% of employees view automation as being instrumental in reducing data errors.

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Top 10 benefits of business process automation

Companies all over the world continually try to achieve efficiency. All the processes in a company contribute towards one goal – an optimal business design that best solves all the organizational problems while yielding the highest results. One of the most efficient tools to achieve that level of optimization is business process automation.

Automation has become an integral part of every business. According to McKinsey, approximately 31% of businesses have fully automated at least one business function. Therefore, with the growing integration of automation into various business processes, modern organizations must understand the advantages of business process automation.

Business process automation is defined as the incorporation of certain types of digital software and tools that can automate certain time-consuming and repetitive organizational tasks that would have otherwise required human intervention.

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What is intelligent business process automation?

With constant evolutions in automation and digital technology, many modern businesses are now concentrating on various strategies to facilitate digital transformation. These technological advancements include the implementation and integration of automation in the workplace. Studies have shown that over 80% of business leaders reported that they are currently speeding up work processes automation.

Automation has numerous benefits that organizations can take advantage of including significantly speeding up business processes and functions. With, increasing organizational scalability, reducing costs associated with performing certain tasks manually, empowering organizational employees to work on higher-level, more intellectually stimulating tasks, and much more.

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How to use intelligent automation to improve your business processes

Automation today has seeped into almost all the relevant aspects of the business world. From robots to automated deliveries, every organization is trying to read the benefits of automation in some way. The number of automated jobs increases by 14% every year. A survey conducted in 2017 proved that 86% of the employees believed that automation services will help them do their jobs more efficiently.

Intelligent automation is the method of automating your key business processes to increase the overall efficiency of a workplace. It is also known as cognitive automation and combines three tools- robotic process automation (RPA), business processes management (BPM), and artificial intelligence (AI).

Intelligent automation is a much sought-after technology as it delivers concrete benefits to companies. It not only simplifies processes for the human component of the workforce but can also eliminate operational inefficiencies.

Intelligent process automation is extremely relevant to business as it has diverse applications. Intelligent automation can be used by financial institutions, government bodies, manufacturing units, hospitals, schools, universities, and the list goes on. It adds improved support for collaboration in analytics, decision-management, social media integration, etc.

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What Is The Benefit Of Automating Your Supply Chain?

As our business landscape continues to develop with the evolution of digital technology, many businesses are taking advantage of the power of supply chain automation.

Supply chain automation is defined as the use of digital technology and infrastructure to automate and streamline supply chain-related processes by increasing task efficiency, improving communication, and automating repetitive business processes. 79% of companies with high-performing supply chains achieve revenue growth greater than that of their average counterparts within their industries.

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How Can You Make Supply Chains More Efficient

A supply chain is defined as the chain of business processes that connect businesses, firms, information, and consumers. Studies show that 79% of companies with high-performing supply chains achieve revenue growth significantly greater than that of the average of their industries.

However, monitoring supply chain management can be an extremely complicated process if done manually, with human errors resulting in potentially disastrous results.

Therefore, implementing low-code solutions can help significantly automate and streamline a wide variety of business processes related to supply chain management.

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What Is The Best Marketing Automation Solution

Marketing automation is defined as the use of digital software solutions to automate various marketing strategies and tasks. Many aspects of an effective marketing campaign include time-consuming and highly repetitive organizational tasks such as social media posting, customer service communication, and much more.

Therefore marketing automation software can be used to automate these various business processes. 63% of companies using marketing automation outperform their competitors. Read more

What is White Hat/Black Hat SEO?

With the rapid onset of digitization and billions of users flocking to search engines to find products, search engine marketing (SEM) has become a crucial tool that every digital marketer must use. Search engine optimization is the organic part of SEM, which helps marketers reach their target audience without investing highly in ads.

Search engines have web crawlers that index a website to determine which content would be the most helpful to the visitors. They do this by assessing several factors. For example, Google analyzes over 200 factors to determine website ranks. The job of SEO experts is to curate a website’s content so that the site ends up in the top few search engine results for a given set of keywords.

Most successful experts do this by following the search engine best practices. What these experts do is known as white hat SEO. However, some web admins try to manipulate the algorithms of search engines through unethical and unapproved practices. These underhanded practices are called black hat SEO.

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How Can Workflows Be Integrated With A Business Process?

Workflows can significantly elevate a business’s operations and scalability. Workflow integration is defined as the integration of multiple different business processes and organizational systems. This allows an efficient transfer of data between various data platforms and enterprise applications.

Workflows have multiple potential benefits that single businesses can take advantage of, such as automating repetitive, routine business processes, collecting massive amounts of organizational data, and bridging communication apps.

Studies have shown that organizations can lose up to 30% of organizational revenue due to inefficient business processes. Therefore, workflow integration presents single businesses with a valuable opportunity to increase organizational efficiency and thus increase overall profitability.

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