Entries by lenny

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.8

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes:  Added: Added configuration option that hides record list filtering. The change was added to enable configurators to hide filtering on record lists (8ebd25c). Changed: Changed the link to the reminder record, it […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.7

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added support for casting numbers to float inside workflow expressions via the float function. The change was added to simplify type casting by using a function instead of an intermediate workflow […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.6

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Changed: Changed workflow iterators to treat limit 0 parameter as no limit set. The change was made to make workflow iterators consistent with other searching/filtering interactions. The change was made by changing […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.5

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added missing configuration options that were in compose charts but not in reporter charts, e.g. Legend, Tooltip, Offset, label rotation for X and Y axis. The change was added to provide […]

KoboToolbox Integration

Background “KoboToolbox is a suite of tools for field data collection for use in challenging environments. Our software is free and open source. Most of our users are people working in humanitarian crises, as well as aid professionals and researchers working in developing countries. Our teams of developers and researchers are based in Cambridge, MA […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.4

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added support for coalesce sorting on all supported store driver. The change was added to allow sorting of first non-NULL value among given columns into one column (547). Added test SMTP […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.3

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added a new label position option for charts with y-axis. It enables you to position the label at the bottom, middle or top of the y-axis. The change was added because […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.2

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Important upgrade notes: There is a known bug where multi-value fields crash the server or produce unexpected results in reports. If your configuration uses reports which utilize multi-value fields, skip this patch […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.1

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added support for DAL aggregation on the RDBMS level to improve performance on larder datasets by utilizing existing technology (1215511e2). Changed: Changed privacy request comment loading indicator by introducing a spinner […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.3.5

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added a button to stop the automation session execution (4bdf43b, 6f72928, 8bcb405, 8b7791, 132948, bc62f7). We also added the button on the workflow trigger steps (3363a37). We added the feature to […]