Entries by lenny

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.8

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes:  Added: Added configuration option that hides record list filtering. The change was added to enable configurators to hide filtering on record lists (8ebd25c). Changed: Changed the link to the reminder record, it […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.7

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added support for casting numbers to float inside workflow expressions via the float function. The change was added to simplify type casting by using a function instead of an intermediate workflow […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.6

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Changed: Changed workflow iterators to treat limit 0 parameter as no limit set. The change was made to make workflow iterators consistent with other searching/filtering interactions. The change was made by changing […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.5

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added missing configuration options that were in compose charts but not in reporter charts, e.g. Legend, Tooltip, Offset, label rotation for X and Y axis. The change was added to provide […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.4

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added support for coalesce sorting on all supported store driver. The change was added to allow sorting of first non-NULL value among given columns into one column (547). Added test SMTP […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.3

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added a new label position option for charts with y-axis. It enables you to position the label at the bottom, middle or top of the y-axis. The change was added because […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.2

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Important upgrade notes: There is a known bug where multi-value fields crash the server or produce unexpected results in reports. If your configuration uses reports which utilize multi-value fields, skip this patch […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.9.1

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added support for DAL aggregation on the RDBMS level to improve performance on larder datasets by utilizing existing technology (1215511e2). Changed: Changed privacy request comment loading indicator by introducing a spinner […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.3.5

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added a button to stop the automation session execution (4bdf43b, 6f72928, 8bcb405, 8b7791, 132948, bc62f7). We also added the button on the workflow trigger steps (3363a37). We added the feature to […]

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.3.4

Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released a new update of Corteza that includes new features, along with many changes and fixes. Release notes: Added: Added a new option to the record list which forces the viewed records to be opened in a new tab instead of the current window. The feature was […]