
How open-source software can help nonprofits achieve their data equity goals

By making software development more accessible, open source and low code platforms help nonprofits achieve true data equity to further their causes.

The world’s four biggest technology companies – Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, and Amazon – are all headquartered in the US and have a combined value exceeding $7 trillion. That’s far in excess of the entire GDP of Japan, the world’s third largest economy.

With the world in the midst of a digital revolution, and the future heavily orientated around data, the immense and wholly disproportionate economic gains of the largest technology companies highlight the growing global problem of data inequity.

We live in a time where, largely regardless of where we live in the world, our personal data is ultimately under the control of US technology giants and, by extension, US jurisdiction. Their business models have become strongly reliant on collecting personal data from people all over the world and exploiting it for targeted advertising. To make matters worse, and in spite of new regulations like GDPR and CCPA, they’ve often done so without informed consent as well. At the same time, the sheer volume of data these companies have has brought not only massive profit gains, but also heralded in a new era of surveillance capitalism.

For NGOs and nonprofits, data equity is emerging as an essential consideration. After all, they face constant pressure to adopt more transparent practices to earn the continued support of their volunteers and donors and to better serve their beneficiaries. To do that, they must not only practice what they preach, but also understand the implications of data inequity in an increasingly technology-focused world.

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What’s Vendor Lock-In And How To Avoid It?

Vendor lock-in is defined as a scenario in which an organization is forced to continue using a certain product or service and is unable to switch vendors due to expected costs, complexity or the expected duration of migration. Businesses are ‘locked in’ to a specific unsuitable product or service due to expected financial constraints, difficulties or potential disruptions to crucial business processes. Recent studies have shown that approximately 67% of CIOs would prefer to use cloud services from several different vendors to avoid vendor lock-in. However, 71% of these companies still rely on the same cloud solution provider.

Businesses should avoid vendor lock-in as much as possible as it can cause a wide variety of issues in terms of operations and scalability. It can result in users being unable to transfer valuable organizational data without incurring significant costs. It can be especially problematic for cloud-based solutions, as it can be extremely difficult to migrate established cloud databases. Therefore, modern, data-driven organizations must avoid vendor lock-in as much as possible.

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Which Tools Does Your Team Need To Perform Better?

One of the most crucial factors of creating a successful organization is high level of productivity and efficiency. Therefore, your business should constantly try to find ways to improve organizational productivity and introduce new tools to help your team perform better.

There are numerous tools that your teams can utilize to improve employee performance and increase productivity such as communication tools, planning platforms, cloud databases, customer data management tools, and customization features.

Recent studies show that 92% of employees stated that technology that equips them to perform their day-to-day tasks more efficiently significantly increases their job satisfaction.

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What Is The Best Way To Launch A Successful Fundraising Campaign?

A fundraising campaign is any event or campaign that is established to raise financial resources for a particular cause or mission. If fundraisers are not adequately launched and managed throughout a particular campaign, it can not only significantly impact your organization but can also be detrimental to the fundraiser’s intended recipient.

Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that fundraisers run efficiently and accurately using tools such as powerful low-code solutions.

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