How Can Manufacturers Safely Ramp Up Global Operations?

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the operations of manufacturers all across the world in almost every sector. This global crisis caused different production manufacturers to either completely shut down their operations. Or pivot to producing pandemic-specific goods such as face masks, personal protective equipment or other medical products or devices.

As the pandemic progresses, there are still many challenges and roadblocks that continue to limit manufacturers’ operations globally. However, there are several ways that manufacturers can accelerate and ramp up their global production without compromising safety. Read more

What is RBAC and Why Does it Matter?

The role of an employee in any organization has a huge underlying motive. That role determines the authority an individual holds, the access it has to high-security or confidential information, and even operating high-level tasks. The lower-level employees certainly have some or other restrictions. So, what is the reason behind maintaining such ‘balance’ in the organization’s architecture? Is it that crucial?

YES! A big yes, indeed. Limiting access is most important for any organization as it often comes difficult to monitor the network access efficiently owing to a large number of employees, contractors, and third parties like customers and vendors. In a role-based model- responsibility, authorization, and job competency defines the amount of access to the resources.

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Why is Time Tracking Important?

Time tracking is considered one of the most vital aspects of maintaining organisational productivity, functionality, and employee workflow. Tracking time can allow your organisation to better track and analyse the time of employees and managers.

Efficiently tracking workplace time can lead to a multitude of different benefits such as increased profitability, reduced employee absenteeism and improving overall client relationships and satisfaction.

Studies have shown that nearly 90% of employees admit to squandering workday hours on non-organisational tasks. Therefore, time tracking tools such as a mobile time clock app with GPS and other software can enable your business’s employees to hold themselves more accountable during their work hours.

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The Future of Work – New Perspectives on Disruption and Transformation

Disruption and transformation are two sides of the same coin. While disruption is abrupt, slow, and chaotic, transformation is structured, measured, and impacts the coming decades. But when it comes to technology, the lines before disruption and transformation get blurred. What starts as disruption soon takes the form of transformation and eventually becomes a revolution. And that is what has been happening to the world for the past few decades.

Technology has exponentially increased the speed and rate of production that a business can operate at, leading to increased revenue generation and overall productivity. Studies have shown that companies that used automation technology in their operations were 31% more productive than their counterparts. Due to these sudden yet expected changes, the future of modern business looks is expected to change course frequently.

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How can you work remotely with open-source?

Remote work has become a necessity in the corporate world. With the pandemic giving way to a striking shift in the corporate paradigm, organisations are now favouring remote work over office work. Just today, Salesforce announced that they’ll give their employees the possibility of working from home permanently.

But while an onlooker will simply attribute its success to the pandemic, remote work has actually gained popularity on its own in the past decade. With Gartner reporting an increase of almost 173% in remote work between 2005 and 2018, it is clear that remote work existed and thrived long before COVID-19 forced it upon us. An example close to home is that in Crust, the majority of the team already worked from home every day, long before the pandemic.

How can you work from home? Open-source software can help you. There are several benefits. Read more

Why is Employee Onboarding So Important?

Most companies often underestimate the importance of onboarding while hiring employees. In fact, 70% of the companies have a partial or no employee onboarding process, which leads the new employees to be anxious, less productive, and disconnected from working with the team. The onboarding process is a challenging factor for every organization to overcome.

Has your company improved the standard of the onboarding process, or is it still troubled with a tedious working structure? If not, your organization needs some help from CRM and low-code platforms. Read more