Smart City Solutions: Using an AI No-Code App-Builder to Create a Public Works and Asset Management App

Smart City Solutions: Using an AI No-Code App-Builder to Create a Public Works and Asset Management App

In the era of smart cities, technological innovations play a pivotal role in optimizing urban infrastructure and public services. In this article we delve into the realm of Smart City Solutions, specifically focusing on the development of a Public Works and Asset Management App using an AI no-code builder. The application sets the benchmark for efficient urban management, offering features like asset tracking, maintenance scheduling, and comprehensive reporting. As cities continue to evolve, in this article we provide insights for government officials, maintenance crews, and the public, illustrating how the fusion of technology and civic engagement can shape a more sustainable and transparent urban future.

What the Public Works and Asset Management App Does:

Asset Tracking and Management:

– Enables tracking and monitoring of public assets, including their location, condition, and maintenance history.

– Provides a centralized platform for managing diverse assets, ensuring a comprehensive view of the entire infrastructure.

Maintenance Scheduling and Automation:

– Automates the scheduling of routine maintenance tasks based on asset conditions, optimizing resource utilization.

– Sends automated notifications to maintenance crews for scheduled tasks, reducing response times.

Reporting and Analytics:

– Generates customizable reports for government officials, allowing them to make data-driven decisions.

– Provides insights into asset performance, maintenance costs, and overall infrastructure health.

Public Information and Engagement:

– Offers a user-friendly interface for the public to access information on ongoing and upcoming public works projects.

– Encourages community engagement by providing a platform for feedback and reporting issues.

Who Is the Public Works and Asset Management App


Government Officials and Administrators:

– Access to real-time data for strategic decision-making.

– Efficient allocation of resources and budget planning.

Maintenance Crews:

– Simplifies work order management and scheduling.

– Ensures timely and proactive maintenance of public assets.

Public Users:

– Access to information on public works projects in their area.

– A platform to provide feedback, report issues, and stay informed about community development.

Benefits of the Public Works and Asset Management App:

Optimized Resource Allocation:

Enables governments to allocate resources more effectively by prioritizing maintenance based on asset conditions.

Improved Infrastructure Planning:

Facilitates better long-term planning for public infrastructure projects by providing historical data and analytics.

Enhanced Public Trust:

Increases transparency, fostering trust among the public by keeping them informed about infrastructure developments.

Cost Savings through Predictive Maintenance:

Reduces maintenance costs by implementing predictive maintenance strategies, addressing issues before they become critical.

Community Engagement and Satisfaction:

Engages the community in the decision-making process, leading to increased satisfaction and a sense of involvement.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

Empowers government officials with data-driven insights, allowing for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

How to Build the Public Works and Asset Management App

Step 1: Define Requirements and Objectives:

  • Identify Stakeholders:

– Government Officials: Access to analytics, reporting, and oversight.

– Maintenance Crews: Work order management, asset tracking, and maintenance schedules.

– Public: Access to relevant information, such as project status and public works schedules.

  • List Features:

– Asset Tracking: GPS integration for real-time location tracking.

– Maintenance Scheduling: Automated scheduling of routine maintenance.

– Reporting: Customizable reports for various stakeholders.

– User Roles: Admin, maintenance personnel, public users with varying access levels.

Step 2: Choose an AI-powered No-code App Builder:

  • Research Options:

Explore platforms like Corteza, Bubble, Adalo, or OutSystems that offer no-code development and support web apps.

Check for AI integration capabilities and user-friendly interfaces.

  • Evaluate Features:

– Ensure the platform supports database integration, automation, and AI component integration.

– Look for a platform that allows for easy collaboration and scaling as your app grows.

Step 3: Plan App Architecture:

  • Design Data Model:

– Define entities like Assets, Work Orders, Users, and establish relationships between them.

– Consider using a cloud-based database for scalability.

  • User Flow:

– Map out how users will navigate through the app, from login to performing various tasks.

– Consider feedback loops and approval processes.

Step 4: Set Up Data Integration:

  • Connect Data Sources:

– Integrate the app with existing databases or GIS systems for asset data.

– Ensure a seamless flow of data between the app and external sources.

  • Define Data Relationships:

– Specify how different data entities relate to each other.

– Ensure data consistency across the app.

Step 5: Build UI/UX:

  • Wireframing:

– Use no-code design tools to create wireframes, defining the layout and structure.

– Seek feedback from potential users to refine the design.

  • UI Design:

– Implement a clean and intuitive interface with a focus on user experience.

– Ensure consistency in design elements throughout the app.

  • Accessibility:

– Adhere to accessibility standards (WCAG) to make the app usable for all users.

– Consider features like text-to-speech for accessibility.

Step 6: Implement Functionality:

  • Drag-and-Drop Components:

– Leverage the no-code platform’s visual interface to add functionalities.

– Implement features such as map integrations for asset tracking and automated workflows for maintenance scheduling.

  • Configure Automation:

Set up workflows for automated processes, such as sending notifications for pending work orders or triggering alerts for maintenance needs.

Step 7: Integrate AI Features:

  • AI Component Integration:

– If your chosen platform supports AI components, integrate features like predictive maintenance or sentiment analysis for public feedback.

– Configure the AI components based on your specific use case.

  • Training Data:

– Provide relevant data to train AI models if necessary.

– Monitor AI performance and update training data as needed.

Step 8: Test the App:

  • User Testing:

– Conduct extensive testing with representative users to identify any usability issues.

– Address feedback and iterate on the design accordingly.

  • Performance Testing:

– Test the app’s performance under different conditions, including peak usage times.

– Optimize for speed and responsiveness.

Step 9: Security and Compliance:

  • Data Security:

– Implement encryption for sensitive data.

– Regularly audit security measures and update them as needed.

  • Compliance:

– Ensure the app complies with relevant data protection and privacy regulations.

– Stay informed about changes in compliance standards.

Step 10: Deploy and Monitor:

  • Deployment:

– Deploy the web app to a hosting environment.

– Monitor deployment for any issues and have rollback plans in place.

  • Monitoring:

– Set up monitoring tools for performance, user engagement, and potential security threats.

– Implement a system for regular updates and maintenance.

Step 11: User Training and Support:

  • Training Materials:

– Develop comprehensive documentation and training materials.

– Conduct training sessions for users, especially for maintenance crews and administrators.

  • Support System:

– Establish a support system, including a helpdesk or ticketing system.

– Provide ongoing support for user inquiries and issues.

Step 12: Iterate and Update:

  • Gather Feedback:

– Encourage users to provide feedback on their experience with the app.

– Use feedback to identify areas for improvement and future feature enhancements.

  • Update Regularly:

Stay proactive in addressing bugs, adding new features, and ensuring the app remains up-to-date with the latest technologies.


By following these detailed steps, you can create a robust Public Works and Asset Management App using an AI-powered no-code app builder. Remember that regular updates and user engagement are essential for the long-term success of the application.

Sample Data Model


  • UserID (Primary Key)
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Email
  • UserRole (Admin, Maintenance Crew, Public)


  • AssetID (Primary Key)
  • AssetName
  • AssetType (Road, Bridge, Facility, etc.)
  • Location (Latitude, Longitude)
  • Condition
  • InstallationDate
  • LastMaintenanceDate


  • TaskID (Primary Key)
  • AssetID (Foreign Key referencing Asset)
  • TaskName
  • Description
  • ScheduledDate
  • Status (Scheduled, In Progress, Completed)
  • AssignedTo (UserID of Maintenance Crew)


  • WorkOrderID (Primary Key)
  • RequesterUserID (Foreign Key referencing User)
  • AssetID (Foreign Key referencing Asset)
  • Description
  • Priority
  • Status (Open, In Progress, Closed)
  • CreatedDate


  • ProjectID (Primary Key)
  • ProjectName
  • Description
  • StartDate
  • EndDate
  • Budget
  • Status (Planned, In Progress, Completed)


  • FeedbackID (Primary Key)
  • UserID (Foreign Key referencing User)
  • AssetID (Foreign Key referencing Asset)
  • FeedbackText
  • Rating
  • SubmissionDate


  • A User can be associated with multiple Maintenance Tasks, Work Orders, and Feedback.
  • An Asset can be associated with multiple Maintenance Tasks, Work Orders, and Feedback.
  • A Maintenance Task is associated with one Asset and one User (Maintenance Crew).
  • A Work Order is associated with one Requester User, one Asset, and can be assigned to multiple Maintenance Crews.
  • A Project can have multiple Assets associated with it.
  • Feedback is associated with one User, one Asset, and may have a rating provided by the user.

This data model is a starting point and can be expanded based on specific requirements. It allows for the tracking of users, assets, maintenance tasks, work orders, projects, and user feedback in a relational manner, providing a foundation for managing public works and assets effectively. The relationships between entities facilitate a comprehensive view of the data, supporting functionalities such as asset tracking, maintenance scheduling, and reporting.


As smart city initiatives continue to shape the urban landscape, the Public Works and Asset Management App stands at the forefront, exemplifying the fusion of technology and civic responsibility. By embracing this holistic approach, cities can embark on a journey towards more sustainable, transparent, and resilient urban development. The future of urban management is now, and it’s built on the foundation of intelligent, community-centric solutions.

Planet Crust’s AI no-code app-builder Aire lets users create custom record-based apps for healthcare directly from AI prompts Users can further customize the AI build with easy-to-use no-code tools, access pre-built apps add connectors and deploy the app in their own instance. We’ll be launching Aire soon! Join the waiting list to get first access

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