
Smart City Solutions: Using an AI No-Code App-Builder to Create a Public Works and Asset Management App

Smart City Solutions: Using an AI No-Code App-Builder to Create a Public Works and Asset Management App

In the era of smart cities, technological innovations play a pivotal role in optimizing urban infrastructure and public services. In this article we delve into the realm of Smart City Solutions, specifically focusing on the development of a Public Works and Asset Management App using an AI no-code builder. The application sets the benchmark for efficient urban management, offering features like asset tracking, maintenance scheduling, and comprehensive reporting. As cities continue to evolve, in this article we provide insights for government officials, maintenance crews, and the public, illustrating how the fusion of technology and civic engagement can shape a more sustainable and transparent urban future.

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Building a Smarter City: 5 Essential Features to Incorporate with Low-Code Rapid Application Development

In recent years, the concept of a smart city has gained significant traction as urban areas strive to harness the power of technology and data to enhance the quality of life for their citizens. A smart city leverages advanced technologies and innovative solutions to improve various aspects of urban living, including transportation, energy management, waste management, public safety, and citizen engagement.

To effectively build a smart city, it is crucial to adopt efficient and agile development approaches. This is where low-code rapid application development (RAD) comes into play. Low-code RAD enables the creation of applications with minimal hand-coding, using visual interfaces and pre-built components.

The purpose of this article is to delve into the realm of building smarter cities by exploring five essential features that can be seamlessly incorporated using low-code rapid application development. By harnessing the power of this technology, cities can unlock immense potential in terms of efficiency, sustainability, and citizen-centric services.

Join us on this journey as we uncover the transformative possibilities that lie ahead in the realm of smart city development.

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How Can Cities and Local Governments Leverage Low-Code To Overcome Their Biggest Challenges

Urban technology has experienced rapid change over the past couple of years. New digital systems are constantly being introduced in cities and local governments, and thus consequently being integrated into daily life. The increasingly vast innovations and consistent updates in technological solutions and mobile systems can provide cities and local governments with a wide variety of benefits that can help them overcome their biggest operational challenges. Smart cities can leverage the power of low-code solutions to deal with monitoring issues, analyze data, collect, track and monitor information and systems and establish order in various processes.

A smart city is defined as a geographical area that leverages the power of technological solutions to provide its citizens with the most optimum and efficient communal processes by improving administrative systems, public services and overall quality of life. Recent studies have shown that the revenue from smart city infrastructure is forecasted to grow to more than $100 billion by the year 2025.

Furthermore, low-code application development platforms can enable smart cities to build powerful solutions that can automate various time-consuming and impractical daily processes that cities and local governments are tasked with overseeing.

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What Are The Five Features That Make A City ‘Smart’?

A smart city is a particular regional or geographical location that utilizes digital and electronic technology and infrastructure to collect data, monitor city operations, share information in real-time, and much more. 

Smart cities have been proven to have many benefits, such as an increased focus on sustainability, better security systems, more efficient communication, and less crime. The global smart city industry is expected to reach a market value of $820.7 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 14.8%.  Read more

What Is a Smart City?

A smart city is defined as a regional or geographical region that utilizes electronic or digital technology-based infrastructure to improve daily operations, collect real-time data, provide specific services and solve city problems. Furthermore, smart city technology can help increase opportunities for automation, increase data security and governance and encourage infrastructure scalability.

As digital technology continues to evolve at an extremely exponential rate, the implementation of digital and electronic smart city technology is significantly changing the way we live our day-to-day lives. The size of the smart cities market is expected to grow to approximately $820.7 billion by the year 2025, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 14.8%.

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Which Country Has the Most Smart Cities?

In our current global evolution and expansion of digital technology and infrastructure, smart cities have become more and more prevalent in modern automation and digitalization.

A smart city is defined as a geographical area that utilizes digital technology such as electronic sensors and data collection methods to improve overall city operations. This includes the collection of data to manage assets and resources, providing certain services, and solving general city problems.

The recent demand and concern regarding health, government urbanization, and economic growth have further emphasized the need for smart cities. As remote work from home organizations and contactless payment terminals, the need for secured connections became essential.

The global smart cities market valuation is expected to reach USD 820.7 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of 14.8%. Although there are hundreds of smart cities worldwide, the majority of cities are not considered to be smart.

Smart cities are an extremely important aspect of ensuring substantial public connectivity, optimum usage of financial resources, fair distribution of benefits, and adapting to growing public demands.

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What is Smart City Governance?

Smart city governance is defined as an examination of the comprehensive public domain activities and services of a smart city. It further explores how political and societal governance systems can translate to run smart cities digitally.

Smart city governance is extremely essential for the management of smart cities so that citizens can be more well informed about the runnings of their smart city and so that the entire system can be more transparent.

Furthermore, smart city governance efforts aim to address the effects of smart city technology on the citizens that have to interact with the implemented digital infrastructure.

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What Is the Smart Cities Mission?

Smart cities have become one of the biggest priorities for countries worldwide in terms of prioritizing local geographical safety, public city operations, and maximizing economic growth.

A smart city is defined as a specific regional area that utilizes digital technology and information and communication technology to collect real historical data so that valuable insights can be drawn to solve city issues.

The local city government then further utilizes this real-time data to improve daily city operations. In order to do that it needs to make informed decisions and develop holistic and comprehensive solutions to city problems and concerns.

The smart city IT market is projected to reach an annual value of $34 billion. Efficient and systematic smart city management can make keeping up with smart city trends and achieving future global digitalization objectives an achievable reality.

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A Road Map Towards Digital Sovereignty

Digital sovereignty and privacy are becoming an increasing priority as digital and online technology continue to evolve and advance.

Digital sovereignty is defined as a geographical area’s ability to control the data, software and hardware it relies on and creates. The convergence of information has now resulted in data becoming a valuable commodity.

For individuals, digital sovereignty refers to one’s ability to own and control the handling of their data safety and privacy. Personal individual data is often collected and exploited by bigger corporations, which is unethical and an invasion of user privacy. Most users expect their country’s government to protect their digital privacy, and therefore many countries must follow a series of steps to achieve optimal digital sovereignty.

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How Many Smart Cities Are There?

The highly increasing demand and concern for public safety, economic growth, government urbanization initiatives and efficient communication have emphasized the need for smart cities. The global smart city market is expected to grow to $410 billion by the year 2025, with an average compound annual growth rate (C.A.G.R.) of 14.8%.

Technological and digitalisation advancements have made the functioning and establishment of hundreds of smart cities much more realistic and attainable. However, there are still many cities around the world that have not been able to attain that status yet. In fact, with approximately 10,000 cities worldwide, the vast majority are still not considered as smart cities. Read more