Featured Articles

Optimizing Hospital Workflows with Low-Code Automation and Integration Software
The healthcare industry is constantly striving to improve efficiency…

What should software developers consider when choosing an open-source license for a project?
Choosing the right open-source license is an important decision…

Why you should choose the Apache license for your open-source project?
Choosing the right open-source license for your software project…

How Low-Code Platforms are Revolutionizing Nonprofit Management
The world of nonprofit management is constantly evolving, with…

Why you want your open-source CRM to be written in Golang
What is Golang?
Golang, also known simply as Go, is a popular…

Why using a low-code CRM is a game changer for nonprofit organizations
A low-code CRM platform allows for rapid digitization and innovation…

What is vendor lock-in, and what does it mean for low-code software development?
Many low-code platforms are closed-source ecosystems tied to…

How low code is reducing costs and empowering innovation in healthcare
Healthcare providers must deliver modern, digital services, but…

How low code can help financial institutions deliver modern digital services
Established financial institutions face rising competition from…

Data privacy and regulatory compliance in low-code platforms
Concerns around data privacy and regulatory compliance shouldn’t…

How low code can become a driving force in the shift to eGovernment
Government organizations face growing pressure from citizens…

How open-source software can help nonprofits achieve their data equity goals
By making software development more accessible, open source and…

How nonprofits can use low code to drive innovation
Nonprofits face a growing demand for digital solutions that help…

5 essentials to consider when choosing a low-code platform
Low-code software development has become a vital enabler of digital…

3 ways open-source software helps nonprofits keep up with data protection demands
As the driving force behind the future of data sovereignty, open-source…

Which privacy and security features does your CRM need to be compliant?
CRM systems store a trove of sensitive customer information,…

What is data federation, and why is it important to your organization?
Data federation is the process of using virtualization to have…

How to manage risk with open-source software
Open-source software might be free to use, but that doesn’t…

How the combination of open-source and low-code enable total data portability
With a combination of open source software and low code development,…

4 reasons why your business need an open-source support contract
The benefits of having a support contract for open-source software…

3 ways standardization enhances low-code and open-source security
In simplifying software development, low code can also help reduce…

How to choose a rapid application development platform
A rapid application development (RAD) platform should support…

How iPaaS bridges the gap between low-code and professional development
How integration platform as a service (iPaaS) offers a comprehensive…

Why low-code is the perfect learning tool for software developers
While low-code development is known for its drag-and-drop simplicity,…

How low code helps software developers embrace rapid change
Low-code software development has proven instrumental in facilitating…

7 ways low-code solutions accelerate digital transformation
By making software development less burdensome on resources,…

Low code versus no code, and what it means to enterprise software developers
Low code and no code are frequently lumped together, despite…

How enterprise software teams are unlocking the value of low code to adapt and scale
Internal low-code development platforms empower collaboration…

Low-code versus traditional development: A primer for independent software vendors
Independent software vendors take pride in having talented developers,…

The 8 best low-code development platforms for software vendors
Here are some of the best low-code development platforms for…
All Articles

How the combination of open-source and low-code enable total data portability
With a combination of open source software and low code development,…

Seven Myths About Using Low-Code For Your Enterprise That You Shouldn’t Believe
Low-code development is defined as a visual approach to enterprise…

What Automation Capabilities Should You Look For In A Low-Code Platform?
A low-code automation platform is defined as a solution that…

4 reasons why your business need an open-source support contract
The benefits of having a support contract for open-source software…

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Developing Apps for Your Business
As mobile technology and digital solutions continue to evolve…

3 ways standardization enhances low-code and open-source security
In simplifying software development, low code can also help reduce…

Why ISVs Should Use Low-Code To Solve Challenges For The Banking Sector
The banking and financial sector generates a massive amount of…

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.3.4
Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released…

Why Professional Developers Should Embrace Low-Code
Recent advancements in low-code technology have completely transformed…

Should You Use Your Low-Code Platform As Your Integration Hub?
Low-code application development is becoming more prevalent in…

Why More and More Financial Services Companies Are Using Low-Code to Build Their Own Software
Due to our constantly evolving business landscape, financial…

Why SMBs should use low-code to automate their processes
Today, new methods and business practices replace old ones at…

How IT Leaders Can Use Low-Code To Create And Empower Agile Teams
Low-code technology has advanced exponentially in recent years…

How Low-Code Speeds Up And Simplifies Full-Stack Development
Full-stack development refers to the simultaneous development…

How To Use Low-Code For Your Enterprise App Development Strategy
Low-code enterprise application development solutions provide…

Five Reasons Why ISVs Should Adopt Low-Code
Low-code is a visual application development approach that can…

How the Banking and Financial Sector Can Get the Most Out of Low-Code
The banking and financial sector forms the backbone of any economy.…

How To Use Low-Code For API-Centric Development
Low-code is defined as a visual software development approach…

What Do You Need For Successful Process Mining
Process Mining is defined as a process analysis method that aims…

What are the Top Benefits of Workflow Automation and How to Harness Them
Businesses everywhere are looking for efficient solutions to…

How Financial Services Can Use Low-Code To Overcome Market Challenges
Financial services comprise a wide range of activities that help…

What are the best practices for building enterprise applications?
Enterprise applications are defined as software systems that…

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.3.3
Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released…

Corteza 2021.9.12 released
Corteza 2021.9.12 has been released. It includes the following…

How To Combine Low-Code With Agile To Improve Your Business
Low-code is a visual approach to software development that requires…

How To Use Low-Code BPM To Overcome Complex Business Challenges
Business process management (BPM) is an organizational discipline…

How Can Cities and Local Governments Leverage Low-Code To Overcome Their Biggest Challenges
Urban technology has experienced rapid change over the past couple…

Low-Code Automation vs. iBPM: Which Should You Use For Your Business?
Business process management is defined as a set of organizational…

How To Set Up Strong Business Processes
A business process is the basic building block of a business…

How Standardization And Automation Can Drive Your Company’s Success?
As digital technology and modern organizational structures continue…

Corteza 2021.9.11 released
Corteza 2021.9.11 has been released. It includes the following…

Which Types Of ISVs Are Benefiting From Modern App Development Approaches?
With the evolution of digital technology and digital software,…

What Types Of Apps Can You Build With a Low-Code Platform?
Custom-made applications are all the rage in the business world…

How To Use Low-Code To Automate Your Business Processes
A business process is defined as a set of activities and procedures…

How To Use Low-Code To Eliminate Manual Processes In The Banking Sector
With evolution in digital technology and mobile solutions, it…

How To Use Low-Code To Speed Up Innovation In Financial Services
Financial services form the backbone of the world economy. Most…

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.3.2
Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, has released…

Top 10 benefits of business process automation
Companies all over the world continually try to achieve efficiency.…

What is a low-code business process management platform?
Every business depends on a set of repeatable processes that…

What is intelligent business process automation?
With constant evolutions in automation and digital technology,…

How to use intelligent automation to improve your business processes
Automation today has seeped into almost all the relevant aspects…

What are the three steps of low-code app development?
Gone are the days when traditional coding was the be-all and…

How to choose a rapid application development platform
A rapid application development (RAD) platform should support…

How To Solve Technical Debt?
Technical debt: Part 3
One of the most in-demand commodities…

How To Avoid Technical Debt
Technical debt: Part 2
Technical debt is any code written…

How iPaaS bridges the gap between low-code and professional development
How integration platform as a service (iPaaS) offers a comprehensive…

What Is Technical Debt?
Technical debt: Part 1
Software development is all the rage…

Why Is Open-Source The Right Choice For Software Vendors?
Open-source software is defined as any computer software that…

Why low-code is the perfect learning tool for software developers
While low-code development is known for its drag-and-drop simplicity,…

What Are The Steps Of Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation is defined as the process of adopting…

Why Support Is Essential For ISVs
An Independent Software Vendor or ISV is any organization or…

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.3.1: New features and important fixes
Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, is pleased to…

Corteza 2021.9.10 released
Corteza 2021.9.10 has been released. It includes important memory…

How low code helps software developers embrace rapid change
Low-code software development has proven instrumental in facilitating…

Why Do People Contribute to Open-Source Projects?
An open-source project is software that anyone is free to use,…

Are Independent Software Vendors Using Cloud Services?
An Independent Software Vendor is defined as any enterprise or…

7 ways low-code solutions accelerate digital transformation
By making software development less burdensome on resources,…

What Is An Open-Source Hardening Project?
With the evolution and increasing integration of digital technology,…

Corteza 2021.9.9 released
Corteza 2021.9.9 has been released. It includes the following…

How To Accelerate The Growth Of My Small Business?
Growth is one of the most important aspects of creating and developing…

What Challenges Do Independent Software Vendors Face?
An Independent Software Vendor (ISV) is defined as any software…

Is a Low-Code Application Scalable?
Low-code is defined as a visual approach to application development…

Planet Crust releases Corteza 2022.3: Corteza Discovery, Compose-Reporter Integration and more.
Planet Crust, the driving force behind Corteza, is excited to…

What Are The Five Bits of Advice To Start an ISV Startup?
An ISV company is defined as an organization or software publisher…

How To Speed Up App Development Without Abandoning What Has Already Been Done?
As the digital landscape continues to evolve and develop, many…

What Is a Good Marketing Strategy For 2022?
Marketing is defined as generating, communicating, and delivering…

How Software Sourcing Is Evolving In 2022
With changes and evolution in digital technology and solutions,…

How To Speed Up Sales
One of the key indicators of a successful business is its current…

Low code versus no code, and what it means to enterprise software developers
Low code and no code are frequently lumped together, despite…

How To Predict My Company’s Results
Predicting organizational results and key company behavior is…

How enterprise software teams are unlocking the value of low code to adapt and scale
Internal low-code development platforms empower collaboration…

What Is the Advantage Of Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing is defined as the on-demand delivery of various…

Why Software Vendors Should Use An Open-source Low-code Platform To Develop Their Apps
Digital platforms have provided businesses with a whole new dimension…